Abbasi, M. and Varga, L. (2022), Steering supply chains from a complex systems perspective, European Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 5-38. [See more]
Abbasi, M. and Rayat Pishe, S. (2024), An Integrated Qualitative and Quantitative Approach for Developing Sustainable Supply Chains in the Petrochemical Industry. [Under peer review]
Abbasi, M., A system dynamics approach on sustainable lean supply chain systems. [Work-in-process]
Abbasi, M. and Rayat Pishe, S., Identification and prioritization of the customers’ demands by using KANO, ISM, and DEMATEl – A multiple case study [Work-in-process]
Abbasi, M. (2017), Towards Socially Sustainable Supply Chains – Themes and Challenges, European Business Review, Vol. 29, No. 3. [See more]
Abbasi, M. (2017), Developing sustainable supply chains – A complexity theory perspective, Studentlitteratur, Sweden. [Published in: Greening Logistics, 83-97] [See more]
Rayat Pishe, S., Ahmadi cohanali, R. and Abbasi, M. (2019), Using a combined qualitative and multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach for developing sustainable supply chains in the petrochemical industry, Journal of Industrial Management Studies, Vol. 15, No. 51, pp. 145-180. [See more]