We believe in coevolutionary lifelong learning for and with our stakeholders. Here you can follow our universal tutorial units in our professional fields. If you are interested in customized tutorial units, please keep us in the loop.
Here, you can follow our scientific, peer-reviewed, and popular scientific publications. If you are interested in becoming a co-author of our work-in-process manuscripts or contributing in other ways to its final publication, please let us know.
Abbasi, M. and Varga, L. (2022), Steering supply chains from a complex systems perspective, European Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 5-38. [See more]

Abbasi, M. and Rayat Pishe, S. (2024), An Integrated Qualitative and Quantitative Approach for Developing Sustainable Supply Chains in the Petrochemical Industry. [Under peer review]

Abbasi, M., A system dynamics approach on sustainable lean supply chain systems. [Work-in-process]

Abbasi, M. and Rayat Pishe, S., Identification and prioritization of the customers’ demands by using KANO, ISM, and DEMATEl – A multiple case study [Work-in-process]
Abbasi, M. (2017), Towards Socially Sustainable Supply Chains – Themes and Challenges, European Business Review, Vol. 29, No. 3. [See more]

Abbasi, M. (2017), Developing sustainable supply chains – A complexity theory perspective, Studentlitteratur, Sweden. [Published in: Greening Logistics, 83-97] [See more]
Rayat Pishe, S., Ahmadi cohanali, R. and Abbasi, M. (2019), Using a combined qualitative and multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach for developing sustainable supply chains in the petrochemical industry, Journal of Industrial Management Studies, Vol. 15, No. 51, pp. 145-180. [See more]
We offer world-class, transdisciplinary, and interactive learning modules (tutorial units and publications) in our professional fields. Our learning modules are constantly updated with the latest research outcomes and feedback from our stakeholders.